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Expressive Arts Therapy

Somatic, Relationally oriented, Transpersonal



Offering counselling services to adults in Alberta and Nova Scotia.


Book a free 25 minute Discovery Call to explore whether my services are the right fit for you.



I believe that in every session you should feel safe, valued, and in connection with your creative spirit.


Has an old trauma resurfaced?

Are you facing an illness or a significant loss in your life?

Circling around the same feelings or issues at work?


The healing arts have been with us since ancient times. Combining psychotherapy and expressive arts therapy is an innovative and effective way to create change in our lives.

It assists us in gaining clarity, expanding our mindset, and finding new perspectives to problems in our lives. Expressive arts are a natural resource that can be used to help us become grounded and regulate our nervous system. There is wisdom in our creations that we can access in contemplative practices.


The creative process provides a path to connect with our Self and inner healing intelligence.

Acrilic Paints


Individual therapy for adults for concerns including:

- depression

- burnout

- stress/anxiety

- legacy trauma

- death and dying

- grief and loss

- spirituality/creativity

"To use the arts expressively means going into our inner realms to discover feelings and to express them through visual art, movement, sound, writing or drama. This process fosters release, self-understanding, insight and awakens creativity and transpersonal states of consciousness."                                                                    ~Natalie Rogers

Water Ripple

About Lindsay (she/her)...


After completing a Masters in Counselling Psychology I worked in several mental health clinics. During this time I developed a curiosity for the psycho-spiritual aspects of mental illness, psychological suffering and problems in living. 


This curiosity led in several directions. I pursued training in expressive art therapy with Prairie Institute of Expressive Art Therapy. Having a lifelong interest in creative outlets intuitively led me in this direction. I believe in the power of creativity to help us restore our health and thrive.


Another discovery was the work of Dr. Stanislav Grof, a psychiatrist, pioneer in psychedelic research and a co-founder of transpersonal psychology. In 2018, I started practicing Holotropic Breathwork, an experiential technique developed by Dr Stanislav and Christina Grof for entering holotropic states (non-ordinary states) of consciousness.


These two therapeutic approaches have shaped my personal self exploration and influence how I approach my work. I am grateful to many people who have supported my journey.





Emergency Care


If you are experiencing suicidal or homicidal thoughts or impulses, please call 911 or go to a local emergency department to seek mental health emergency care. 

Lindsay Victor does not provide an emergency mental health service.

How to get in touch...

To book an appointment or get more information, please contact me via phone or email. I aim to respond the same day and ensure a response within 1-2 business day. Please note that I am unable to check or respond to emails after business hours or on holidays.


Phone: (902) 210 - 1518

Email: (Please note that email is not confidential

I use an encrypted email account, sometimes my emails may go to your spam folder, please check this folder if you do not hear a response within 1-2 business day)


Office Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 10am to 5pm

Friday - 10am to 1pm

Closed all Statutory Holidays


99 Wyse Rd, Suite 1100,

Dartmouth, NS, B3A 4S5

Fax: (902) 510 - 0009


Please use this form to share general information/questions or to set up a free Discovery Call. 

Contact Form

Thanks for submitting!

I work, live and play in Bedford, NS, located in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded and ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq Peoples. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) Peoples signed in 1725 with the British Crown.


© 2021 Lindsay Victor. All Rights Reserved.

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